How to Invest In your Life


During the last decades, especially since 80’s, the word “investment” has been one of the most used in the economic world. The banks promoted the “Don’t leave your money unexploited in your bank accounts”. We aroused the need to discover new ways to increase our deposits. We spent our lives investing our money in meaningless things: Stock MARKET, houses, cars, expensive tangible assets. . It became life goal to get a proper and acceptable lifestyle and especially, status. We considered compounding our wealth as one of the biggest self-investments.

Unfortunately, we neglected our lives. Most of us, we lost the real meaning of our lives.  The way of life, which we live so far, approves that we’re doing something wrong. We cannot depend on our tangible assets to define the level of our success. This is only a superficial index. We have to revise our lives and invest essentially in the essential life dimensions which will lead to our self-fulfillment. These are the truly challenges of our lives, which we have to invest in:


Our daily life has affected our health. Work, duties, errands have stressed us up in a notable degree. Unfortunately, more young people face some heart problems, derived mainly from stress. Additionally, we don’t follow a healthy diet. Our meals are full of fat. We consume huge amounts of sugar and salt. This way of life will not have happy end. As regard the body exercise, we register in the gum, mostly to look fancy on the beach once a year. The purpose of working out today is to get networking or to keep up our lifestyle. We have to realize that our first priority is our health. We cannot just snub it. We are responsible for ourselves. If we don’t take care of our health, nobody else will do it. We have to take the initiative by ourselves. We cannot rely on the current diet. We have to consume products rich on vitamins. Without a doubt, we will have some “detour” meals, but as long as it doesn’t occur in a permanent basis, we can sin. As about the stress, first, avoid the pointless use of medicine. They cannot give you anything else than temporary support. Self-assessment and “don’t take everything so seriously” mentality are too easy tips, but not so easily applied. Concluding, keeping your body active will prevent you from many disorders at your health. It’s crucial to refer at that point, that only if you want to keep yourself healthy, you really help yourself. Otherwise, if the purpose is superficial, it will be useless.


Just because you finish the school or you graduate from the university it doesn’t mean that you can turn off your memory card and stop learning. We live in an era that we have access to any information we need, but we lack of the knowledge. We depend on the devices to process all the information around us. We don’t exploit our critical thinking anymore. The arousal of exploring and searching for the knowledge led us to evolve as a specie. We have to Re-Discover the spark of learning. The other biggest mistake is the belief of knowing everything. Unfortunately the number of people who admit that they occupy the knowledge is bigger than these who definitely have it. It’s more than essential and crucial to perceive the importance of continuing learning. Every day should be a new life lesson. A new lesson about the people, about nature, about the real life. It’s pretty much simple, but at the same time unrealistic.


Never before the term of friendship have so much value. Especially today. Social media have a tremendous effect on how we set up our lives. We let social media adjust our lives. The illusion of social friendship is unexpectedly powerful. We have so many social friends, but at the same time we lack of real friends. We have friends, who know when our birthday is, but they don’t know us at all. They know only what we have presented to them through our profiles. Even people who are considered as friends don’t have time for us. They are busy with their social networking. The majority of our sharing memories come from the social media, in other term, illusive memories. You cannot consider as an experience something which took place in a social platform. A “like” or a “comment” cannot substitute the power of a friendly presence next to you anytime. We have to explore our life with real people besides as. We have to choose our real friends through our experiences, not through a button of acceptance. Only through that, we will be able to close the empty gap of depression in our souls.

Time –Experience

One of my favorite quotes is “Time is Money and Money is Honey”. Time is our most valuable and irreplaceable capital. You can invest it only once. Thus, grab any chance to capitalize your time consciously. Don’t stay at home. Travel. Don’t stand in front of your tiny touch screen. Just compare the size of your touch screen phone with the size of the world we live. You will perceive how meaningless net-world is. Seize the opportunities around you. Don’t let your life lives you. Live the moment and live “FOR” the moment.

Summarizing, life is essentially a time path, and you are the director of it. You direct with whom you will walk, which direction you will follow, the speed and the rhythm of your pace, but the most important how far you want to go. You will meet many potential final destinations, but you have to choose only that one which will meet your unconscious expectations. Thus, enjoy the trip and fight for it. Invest all of yourself on your moments. Because at the end of the day,

all of your fortune has a price but your moments are priceless.

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