VoIP Business Phone Plans & Pricing

Affordable VoIP Business Phone Plans. Dedicated to Small Medium Enterprises. Predictable pricing options starting at $19 per extension


Ideal for up to 10 users
$ 19
Month per user
  • Unlimited Calls (US/Can)
  • 100 Toll-Free Minutes
  • 1 Number (TF/local)
  • 2 Auto-attendants
  • 1 Call Queue
  • Optional Bria Softphone
  • Optional Call Recording
  • Optional SMS Messaging
  • Optional Virtual Fax
  • Optional Team Collaboration​


Perfect for 10 to 25 users
$ 29
Month per user
  • Unlimited Calls (US/Can)
  • 2,500 Toll-Free Minutes
  • 5 Number (TF/local)
  • 10 Auto-attendants
  • 2 Call Queues
  • Bria Softphone
  • Call Recording
  • Optional SMS Messaging
  • Optional Virtual Fax
  • Optional Team Collaboration​


Great for 20 to 50 users
$ 34
Month per user
  • Unlimited Calls (US/Can)
  • 5,000 Toll-Free Minutes
  • 10 Number (TF/local)
  • 25 Auto-attendants
  • 5 Call Queues
  • Bria Softphone
  • Call Recording
  • SMS Messaging
  • Virtual Fax
  • Optional Team Collaboration


Made for 50+ users
$ 44
Month per user
  • Unlimited Calls (US/Can)
  • 10,000 Toll-Free Minutes
  • 20 Number (TF/local)
  • Unlimited Auto-attendants
  • 10 Call Queues
  • Bria Business Bundle
  • Cloud Call Recording
  • SMS Messaging
  • Virtual Fax
  • Video and Chat Collaboration

Pricing based on a minimum term of 12 months. Volume pricing and incentives available based on 3 and 5 year terms.  30 day guarantee.  Unlimited Minutes under fair usage policy.

40+ Standard Features

Our Business phone plans include 40+ premium features designed to maximize your office phone system to meet your business needs. We are the most reliable cloud phone system in Canada and U.S for small-medium enterprises, backed by qualified, certified staff and up-to-date knowledge-based.

Phone System

We offer a wide range of calling and routing business phone features that provide your business with a seamless, reliable, customizable, and enterprise-level security phone system: Auto Attendant, Conference Bridge, Call Blocking, Voicemail Transcription, Caller ID control.

Call Control

Slingshot's business phone call control features offer your business an effective, seamless setup and management of your business communication system: Call Forwarding, Call Screening, Call Recording, Shared Lines, Call Parking, and Move Live Calls between devices.

Call Messaging and Conferencing

We provide a wide range of call messaging and conferencing options that offer your business a superior, reliable communication phone system over your competitors.
Mobile Apps - Access your phone system on your mobile devices
SMS Messaging - Send messages to customers while keeping your number private
PC Compatibility - Experience full phone functionality direct from your PC desktop

Reliability & Security

We have an automatic data backup, redundancy, and best-in-class cloud-based phone system with enterprise-level security features.
Reliability - Geo-Redundant Canadian and U.S based data centers
Security - Cloud-based Enterprise-level security provided to all our clients'


We offer a wide range of synced, custom integrations built to help support your company's communications requirements.
PC Desktop Integration - Integrate our business phone system across all your devices.
Contact Synchronization - Access all your company's contact directory across all your devices
Custom API - Build deeper integrations into your CRM with a custom API

Additional Features

Our Business phone plans include 40+ premium features designed to maximize your office phone system to meet your business needs. We are the most reliable cloud phone system in Canada and U.S for small-medium enterprises, backed by qualified, certified staff and up-to-date knowledge-based.

Communicate Better. Increase Productivity

Learn how Slinghshot’s robust, cost-effective business phone solution can take your company’s business phone communication to the next level.

Frequently Asked Questions

Here are a few common questions about our Slingshot phone business solution.

Is Slingshot Business Phone Solution Secure?

Slingshot phone solution is geographically redundant across several secure data centers in Canada, and in the U.S. All plans come with a disaster recovery/business continuity plan that includes a backup feature with internet connectivity that offers you peace of mind.

Does Slingshot Offer a Free Trial?

Instead of a free trial, we offer free customized demos of our phone business systems that show you how our phone solutions will benefit your business.

How Secure is Slingshot?

Slingshot is geographically redundant across several secure data centers in Canada and the U.S. We provide backup against internet connectivity issues and power outages, providing a robust business continuity strategy.

Learn how Slinghshot’s robust, cost-effective business phone solution can take your company’s business phone communication to the next level.

2 Responses

  1. By Daria Sito-Sucic

    SARAJEVO, March 28 (Reuters) – Bosnian Serb separatist leader Milorasd Dodik said on Thursday that Serbs would block the
    work of Bosnia’s national government unless
    election laws imposed by an international envoy are
    annullped and Western ambassadrs expelled ftom the country.

    Bosnia’s peace overseer, Christian Schmidt,
    on Tuesday imposed changes to the election law to ensure
    its integrity through technical improvements after the country’s rival ethnic leaders failed to
    agree on election reform.

    Bosnian Serb officials ddo not reconise Schidt as the High Representative for Bosnia and Herzegovina, saying the former German government minister was not
    endorsed by the U.N.Security Council. They have
    warned that they will not accept hiis decision and will instead pass their own election law.

    Under the Dayton peace accords which ended the Balkan country’s war
    in the 1990s that killled about 100,000 people, Bosnia was split into two
    autonomous regions – the Serb-dominated Serb Republic and thhe Federation shared bby Bosniaks and Croats.

    Thee High Representative is seen as the ultimate interpreter of the peace accords and has powers to impose laws or sack officials seen as obstructung the peace.

    Dodik, a pro-Russian nationalist who was sanctioned by the United States and Britain for obstructing tthe terms of thee peace deal, said that
    unless Schmidt’s decision is annulled within a seven-day period, and declared void by the
    national parliament, Serb deputies will boycott its work.

    It would nott bee the first time Serb deputies have blocked decision-making in thhe national
    government but Bosnia is now hoping tto pass reformjs
    needed tto open accession negotiations with the European Union following an invitation by EU leaders.

    Addressing an emergency session of the Serb Republic’s assembly, Dodik
    said the national parliament should pass election laws and declare itself the only law-making
    institution, banning the implementation of Schmidt’s law.

    Ambassadors of thhe U.S., Britain and Germany, as well as Schmidt, shoul be declared enemies of Bosjia and expelled ffrom the country, Dodik
    said, warning that unless his demands are met, hiss ruling SNSD party will break
    its partnersahip with its current partners in the government and block itts

    He also urged tthe regional parliament to immediately pass a draft
    election law under whhich institutions of the Serb Republic
    would connduct polls in the region by themselves.
    (Reportjng by Daria Sito-Sucic; Editing by Timothy Heritage)

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