What do your phone calls look like?

Virtual Office with a toll-free number

If you are a business owner, sales professional, or even a customer service representative, calling new, prospective, or existing customers is part of the job.  Whether you are working for yourself or a company, have you ever wondered what your phone calls looked like?  To be more specific, what name and number shows up on the person’s caller ID?

For most small businesses, it is typical for the owners, partners, and even employees to use their personal home or mobile devices during the startup phase.  That being the case, if you were to call a customer now, the name and number that shows up is “Your Full Name” <917-414-9090>.  What would happen if one of your employees  called the same customer later that day, what would the call look like?  It would most likely show up as “Employee’s Full Name” <917-222-4321>.  It is an acceptable outcome for small businesses, but it is not ideal and may even confuse your customer.

Every time you make a call, it should also double as a marketing opportunity to display your company name and number.  Whether you are calling customers, suppliers, or strategic partners, your company will be professionally displayed on the persons telephone device.

Think about it this way, imagine you emailed a customer from your personal email account versus your company email account, what message are you leaving your customer with?  Next time you make a call, be sure it looks like “Your Company Name” <800-212-9090>.


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